Grant Applications for Idaho Food Bank Fund 2023

The Idaho Food Bank Fund is accepting grant applications during the month of July. This grant application process is open between July 1st and July 31st to Idaho 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations. Grant funding is available to provide nutrition awareness, promote healthy eating, or relieve hunger.

Funds can be used to operate programs; purchase food; purchase nutrition education materials; expand capacity (new freezers, shelving, transportation, etc.); or promote access for anyone in need, including underserved and/or marginalized populations. 501(c)3 hunger relief organizations serving Idahoans are eligible to apply for these grants.

New this year, we are inviting Innovation Proposals for a small number of potentially larger grants. These proposals will feature innovative services that address hunger and food insecurity while also improving overall individual, family, and community well-being.  Innovation Proposals will likely include collaboration with other service providers and additional funding partners.

Apply For The Grant

 or you can request a paper copy of the grant application by emailing

The Idaho Food Bank Fund was established by the Idaho State Legislature in 2009 and provides financial support to Idaho nonprofits. It is administered by Catholic Charities of Idaho and The Idaho Foodbank.

The fund is financed by the generosity of the Idaho taxpayers when they donate through a “check off” box on their Idaho State tax returns. In 2022, grants totaling $233,900 were allocated to 47 statewide nonprofits that provide critical nutrition education and hunger relief services across the state.